Our packages come with a simulator.

Whether you're looking to build a professional golf room, an entertaining game space, or a temporary practice setup - Our Packages are here to help.


OptiShot2 tracks key information such as club speed, carry distance, face angle, path, face contact, and tempo.

Our package comes with a simulator

Whether you're looking to build a professional golf room, an entertaining game space, or a temporary practice setup - our Simulator, Mat & Net package is here to help.


Play with up to 4 players in course mode, practice on the range, and play online and closest to the pin tournaments.


The OptiShot2 includes 15 premium golf courses. Play at real-world courses right from the comfort of your own home.


$ 750.00

OptiShot2 simulator

The OptiShot2 golf simulator has swing & ball shot accuracy that is just like playing real golf.

OptiShot2 golf simulator
32 high intensity infrared sensors
15 included courses
Driving range
Online PLay


$ 995.00

OptiShot2 Package

OptiShot2 golf simulator
32 high intensity infrared sensors
15 included courses
Driving range
Online Play
OptiShot 1.5m x 0.75m stance mat
OptiShot hitting net

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Extreme versatility for nearly every space.

While OptiShot® simulators can be used in a wide variety of setups, rooms, and configurations – there are a few things to keep in mind.

We recommend a minimum of 9 feet of ceiling clearance and enough space for you to comfortably (and safely) swing your club. Additionally, we recommend avoiding direct sunlight as this can interfere with your OptiShot® data analysis.

Windows® 8, 10 or 11. 3GB Hard Disk Drive Storage. 4GB RAM. USB 2.0 Port. Graphics Card: 256MB available Adapter RAM with OpenGL 2.0 support and the latest Video Drivers. NOTE: INCOMPATIBLE with Windows 11 Pro. Does not run on MacOS.

The only thing necessary to get up and running is an OptiShot® series simulator, a computer running OptiShot software, and your golf clubs. Additional equipment is optional but can greatly enhance the experience. Golf In A Box bundles come with everything you need but you can mix and match accessories here.

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Play beautifully rendered real-world courses.

Our courses have been meticulously designed and modeled after iconic courses from around the world. Enjoy the 15 included courses or upgrade at any time to enjoy more than 60 renowned premium locations.


Get in touch with our Director of Sales: 810.360.5690 or fill out the form below.

  • 1/1 Monomeeth Drive, Mitcham, VIC 3132

  • +61 3 9873 2189

  • mail@optishot.com.au